Pharmacies dying light map
Pharmacies dying light map

Introduction to Drawing (formerly LAS 141). Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotations (CLK)


Undergraduate and professional students may enroll in graduate courses (600 level or higher) and receive either graduate or undergraduate/professional credit.

pharmacies dying light map

Graduate students cannot receive credit for undergraduate (400 or lower), however graduate courses can be cross-listed and offered simultaneously with an undergraduate (300 or 400 level) or professional course (500 level), as long as the distinctions between the graduate offering and the undergraduate/professional course are explained in the course proposal and approved by the appropriate curriculum committees. Courses at the 500 level are higher level professional courses (PharmD). Graduate credit can only be awarded for courses numbered as 600 level or higher. Graduate courses numbered as 600-699 are designated as introductory or first year graduate courses, courses numbered 700-799 are considered to be intermediate graduate courses and courses numbered 800-899 are advanced graduate courses. Graduate courses are numbered as 600 or higher. HUM to ENG Prefix: For students who complete the entire 3-semester Humanities Sequence (Hum 101, Hum 102, and Hum 201) at ACPHS, the prefix of one course in the sequence may be changed from HUM to ENG during the semester of the course (upon request to the registrar).Ĭourses with a “G” at end of prefix and number are graduate courses. Students wishing to have the ENG number appear on their transcript should contact the Registrar’s office during the semester of the course. COM courses at the 100 and 200 level can also be used to satisfy the liberal arts requirement.Ĭourses with a prefix of LIT are cross-listed as ENG. Courses with the following prefixes can be used to satisfy the liberal arts requirement: HUM, EDU, ENG, ART, PHI, ETH, PSY, HIS, MUS, SOC as well as BHS 230 and BHS 350.

Pharmacies dying light map